If the problem you’re experiencing isn’t listed here, don’t panic! You can get in touch with us and we’ll help sort you out. We’ll need a few things though:
A copy of the log.
Make sure that you get a copy of this before you start playing again, otherwise, it will be overwritten. This is found in different places based on your operating system:
On Windows, the log is C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Dinosaur Polo Club\Mini Metro\output_log.txt
If you’re running an old version of the game on Windows, browse to the folder that you extracted it to. The log is in the Mini Metro_Data folder (or MiniMetro_Data for very old versions), called output_log.txt
On macOS, the log is ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
If you bought the game on the Mac App Store, the log is ~/Library/Containers/com.mpdigital.MiniMetro/Data/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
On Ubuntu, the log is ~/.config/unity3d/Dinosaur Polo Club/MiniMetro/Player.log
A description of the problem.
We can tell a lot from the log but it is still helpful getting a full run-down on what exactly the problem is, what you were doing when the problem occurred, and (if it wasn’t a crash) what happened afterward.
A screenshot.
Of course, this won’t be much help if it’s for a crash! If the game locks up or just does something unexpected, then a screenshot can really help.
For help taking a screenshot, browse to http://www.take-a-screenshot.org.